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Sherlock - Straumann Bone Level® Compatible PreMill Blanks
Are you ready to start milling?
Open Implants and Axsys Dental Solutions offer CAD/CAM customizations for Open Implants Customized Abutments that are designed and manufactured in accordance with the Open Implants Digital Workflow. Open Implants as the 510(k) holder maintains complete design control of the manufacturing process and its components. The Open Implants proprietary workflow system integrates multiple components of the digital dentistry workflow
- Scan Files from Intra-Oral Scanners
- CAD Software
- CAM Software
- Milling Machine
- Tooling + Accessories
- Open Implants Components
Open Implants and Axsys Dental Solutions stand ready to assist you in implementing and managing your quality requirements to ensure milling compliance under current regulatory guidelines.
Straumann Bone Level® Compatible PreMill Blank 3.3 NC
Straumann Bone Level® Compatible
Platform Size: 3.3mm NC
Material: Titanium
Includes Final Screw SKU: IOSC_3765
Straumann Bone Level® Compatible PreMill Blank 4.3/4.8 RC
Straumann Bone Level® Compatible
Platform Size: 4.1/4.8 RC
Material: Titanium
Includes Final Screw SKU: IOSC_3765