Products tagged with 'PMMA'
Polident PMMA Shaded Discs
POLIDENT PMMA CAD-CAM DISCS are suitable for fabrication of splints, temporary crowns and bridges and for verifying the restoration on the plaster model / in mouth before the final milling process.
PMMA-poly methyl methacrylate is primarily designed for production of long or short term temporary restorations. Available in various shades, this material serves well for clinical as well as laboratory needs.
Benefits: Strength and Stability, High Luster Polish-ability, Excellent Machinability, Absolute Bio-compatibility and Stain-able.
Shades: A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, BL1, BL2, BL3, enamel colous - E1, E2*
*Upon request we can supply also other shapes, diameters and designs.